Monday, August 11, 2008

Things to Live for : Idiolexicon Reading Tonight

Mike Young Idiolexicon reading
Brian Teare and Mike Young are reading tonight at Cafe Royale.
LINK for Idiolexicon Reading Series.
Idiolexicon is my favorite reading series since Pegasus and New Yipes both died untimely deaths.
And Idiolexicon is going on hiatus, so if you haven't been to one of their readings, this is your last chance for a little while. Mike Young is hella cool; you will like him.
I bought an iPhone yesterday, but I have to wait 7-10 days for it. That was the only way I could do it without losing phone service for a couple days. Gives me something to live for until then.
I'm looking forward to the poetry season kicking back up, too. I don't know what will be happening this fall, but the bay area usually has a good one when it comes to Po-biz.
I've been reading tons of chapbooks.

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