Friday, May 30, 2008

S4S4 and Idiolexicon Sedoka Contest!

big bIG BIG CONTEST CONTest contest


Let's say you're too broke or too cheap to buy S4S4. Or let's say that you really like rules and you really like contests.

Well, you're in luck!

You can write a Sedoka and win a copy of S4S4, thanks to Idiolexicon and me.

The rule for Sedoka is 5-7-7 5-7-7, the numbers being syllables. Like a haiku, Sedoka is a form of Waka poetry, but cooler and more obscure.

Wiki that shit and find out this: "In ancient times, it was a custom between two writers to exchange waka instead of letters in prose." I like to Wiki Waka.

So send your Waka Sedokas to Idiolexicon, and Idiolexicon will publish the best ones (10), and Jack Morgan will send you a free copy of S4S4.
Email Sedoka and Address to