Step 1: Get yourself a motorcycle.
Step 2: Find out where your desired motorcycle gang drinks.
Do not attempt to make contact with the motorcycle gang. They will think you're with the police. Motorcycle gangs invariably do not like police.
Act tough but don't pick a fight with anyone. They will beat you up and never let you in their gang. Just play it cool until they talk to you. It might take a few visits. They will invite you to their clubhouse.
Step 3: Go to your desired motorcycle gang's clubhouse.
Man it up.
I want to join. I've found that when joining clubs, having baked goods on hand comes in...handy. Usually I carry a plastic ziplock bag (freezer bag size) full of brownies (with and without nuts) in my left back pocket. In my right pocket are ginger treats (for those with digestive issues), licorice sticks, candied almonds, and sugar-free sucky candy (not candy that sucks but that you can suck on). My front pockets carry turkish delight. In my purse I carry ice cream (*unless you've had extensive practice carrying ice cream in purses, I suggest starting out with astronaut ice cream*). This has helped me join such clubs as: The American Kennel Club, The Boy Scouts of America (club), The Veterans Club, The Golf Club, The Night Club, The Club, the Klub, and the Qulub (only found across the Atlantic). Maybe you should add that to your poem. I think it would not only add to the richness of the language, but it would actually help people get into the motorcycle club much more easily. (No body wants to beat up the guy who brought cookies and treats with the word "delight" in them).
I thank you for your time.
sexy. motorcycles are sexy. and clubs even more so.
Motorcycle clubs are tres sexy! Especially when their members bring treats.
Are you members of Pro Club? It has miles and points benefits. Miles and points are exciting.
I need bigger pockets.
You all are f-ing crazy. These motorcycle clubs are biker gangs in disguise. I have first hand knowledge of how they ruin people's lives. They are the OPPOSITE OF SEXY. Stay away from them or you will regret it.
Biker gangs are the sexiest clubs to join. They get mad chicks and then ride off into the sunset like Mickey Rourke at the end of Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man.
That shit is sexy. Also, they get to drink all the time and never experience hangovers. I hear that they are also have bullet-proof shoulders.
Fucking lol....we're talking about OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANGS LADY. If you show up to their bar with gingersnaps and brownies they are certainly going to fuck you up.let me help,..if your going to bring ANY SNACKS, try "scooby snacks" a.k.a. COCAINE,METHAMPHETAMINE,HERION,shot like that.you mite get a bit more "street cred" other than showing up with betty fucking crocker.
Fucking lol....we're talking about OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANGS LADY. If you show up to their bar with gingersnaps and brownies they are certainly going to fuck you up.let me help,..if your going to bring ANY SNACKS, try "scooby snacks" a.k.a. COCAINE,METHAMPHETAMINE,HERION,shot like that.you mite get a bit more "street cred" other than showing up with betty fucking crocker.
My motorcycle gang doesn't fuck around. I followed these rules, and now I'm in a motorcycle gang and also started my own called Black Motherfucking Sheep. Most of the members die young.
Funny but I prefer twinkies lmfao .
Funny but I prefer twinkies lmfao .
Funny but I prefer twinkies lmfao .
Funny but I prefer twinkies lmfao .
Funny but I prefer twinkies lmfao .
Funny but I prefer twinkies lmfao .
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