Some people resent that others want to achieve the same goals with less effort and turmoil. I, who had never had it very easy, wish that, if you would like the same things I have, that they come to you more easily than they have to me.
Just because it has been hard for me to catch my breath does not mean I want you to struggle through the horrors of asthma.
Although my father was rough, you needn't face familial failure.
And when I found myself alone, I wished someone would love you.
I will vote for free education and health care for all because I had neither.
I will fight for anyone's freedom to forge her own destiny.
I haven't had the hardest life, but I hope that yours is softer.
I wonder how a person's character is written...
keep watching this blog, and you'll find out.
why, um, thanks
And when they cut the rations in the camp, I gave my crust of bread to the sickly elderly man in the corner.
Hail Jesu!
looks like you will be inheriting the earth, o meek one
I don't think anyone has ever called me meek. Thanks. A lot have made Jese refs, though. I have a penchant for martyrdom and brotherhood.
And sometimes I'm a self-righteous ass. But this here is a guidebook section for yours truly. I share it so maybe others can laugh or think about what I am laughing and thinking and almost crying about.
I never cry, btw.
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