Adam Clay read last night at Pegasus. His book is called THE WASH. He was a good reader.
After the reading, I noticed there was a small person who was knitting who looked strikingly like Bronwen Tate. I said, "Hey you. Are you Bronwen Tate?" She said, "Yes, as a matter of fact, I am." "I like your poetry and blog," said I. "Why thank you very much," said she. I was happy to meet her.

MAPP is this Saturday, 20 October. Our event is at L's Caffe on 24th St. between Bryant and Florida. Jarrod Roland, Paul Ebenkamp, Jack Morgan, and Jenny Drai are all reading, and Casey Spear will be playing music, , , and other people will be doing music, too, and there will also be live art by Valyntina Grenier, and Artwork by her and Jack Morgan will be hung on the walls, and there is another artist, too. It is going to be a great night to be alive. I hope you stay alive until then. I hope I do. If you are alive still, that's just a bonus.
I made Joshua Clover a T-Shirt because he liked the poster I made for him, and he wanted a T-Shirt that said "POETRY FUNDS TERRORISM." It came out really cool. He wore it in New York for his 9/11 reading at which it rained and poured and stormed. Then he said something nice about me on his site. Joshua Clover is pretty cool. He said that I was the East Bay Graphics Guru. That's cool.
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