I read Paula Cisewski's book, UPON ARRIVAL, and thought it was pretty good. I really like her poem at Coconut, though.
I have met Patrick F. Durgin, but I don't know him, really. I picked up his book at the Moe's reading earlier this week. I read it today.
From time to time there comes a book of poetry that, as sappy as this may sound, speaks to you as a reader on several levels. I think that I am a hard customer on this count. But Imitation Poems is one of those books for me. I don't like talking about what I think books of poetry mean or are about, but when I read this one, there is a feeling of simultaneous celebration and regret regarding the Sisyphean nature of interpersonal relationships, especially romantic ones, and those between poets. The unrewarded effort of those who are undomesticated, those who continue to push their boulders up hills to tops unseen and somehow unwanted, is revealed in a way that is resentful and happy. Keep pushing that boulder!
All this is accomplished with a well-edited, well-crafted, terse style that I really like.
It is also a very pretty book. It has gold ink and tables on the cover. I like gold ink and tables.
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