Oh my! Oh dear! Eee-Gad! Who knew it would happen again so soon? Have safety precautions not been observed? How have we let it occur? Another Train wreck? Another rail that has gone awry? Man 0h man! What a disaster!
Tonight at Mama Buzz Cafe, 2318 Telegraph, at 7:30 PST, the Trainwreck Union will represent.
J-Rod Roland
Gillian Hamel
Sara Mumolo
Nick Roth (Musical Intermission)
Connie Coady
Arron Pawlowicz
Beatrix Chan
Jack Morgan (MC)
How have we gotten all of these huge names in one place at one time, defying the laws of physics? Like I told you, the Trainwreck Union makes the impossible possible.
It has recently come to my attention that there are several of you out there who do not get the reference of the title of this event. Throw Mama from the Train is a movie starring Billy Crystal and Danny DeVito in which two writers become hapless killers. Don't worry, though, no one actually gets murdered. So don't be afraid and come out. Out poets might seem like criminals sometimes, but they're really quite cuddly. They won't hurt you.
i'm bringing some children in baskets to be healed.
Uh, you might have to change that post. I killed someone this morning. Sorry.
Really, I'm sorry, but it just felt so good.
That was me. I don't know why it tagged me as Trainwreck.
I'm just one of many, past present and future.
We are multitudes
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