Valyntina has been very supportive of the Trainwreck Union, and I have not missed one of her readings. I don't think I will miss this one either. . . even though I have my differences with tonight's line up.
McNally's is known for amazing Irish coffee and white Russians. They make great cocktails and have a wonderful selection of beer. The reading's in back, past the bar. See you there.

Last night was a Trainwreck brainstorming meeting. It went long as always. We made stops at both Pegasus and Book Zoo in order to buy too many books. Of course, we buy books when we're drinking.
Also, we broke $100 at Barclay's after a huge tab at Ralleigh's and went on to drink Trainwreck barley wine (!) at Ben n' Nicks. That's right, we have a beer named after us on tap at Ben n' Nicks. Who else can say that? Books and beer: nearly $200. Drinking with the finest poetry group in the bay area and perhaps the world: priceless.
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