Yesterday, I entered a transitional phase of life, leaving Nacho Daddy. This is for the best. I have a lot planned for 2018, and new opportunities are already presenting themselves.
I'll write a bit more about my experience going into this transition because I think there's a decent story there, but I first have to find a new laptop.
And since I've been trying to get my Amazon Affiliate game stronger, I figured I'd try something new: Native Ads. So, buried in this post is a chunk of code that should give me suggestions on which laptop to buy. My plan is to click on that ad and let it guide me to my Amazon purchase.
I basically just need something to help keep me creative. I need a laptop that has a camera so I can continue ruining songs with my FG820 blue sunset guitar and meteor mic. Starting and maintaining a podcast is one of my resolutions for 2018, so I need to get that going ASAP. Anyway, I need a Laptop... and it has to be blue.
If you're wondering about the photo to the left, I googled "sexy girl transitioning from one job to another in the sexiest way possible" and that's what came up with a link to this sexy article »
wasn't much of a sexy article, but the pics were nice
Yeah. I guess that's what I meant. Makes me want to get an office job.
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