This is the trailer for "Onechanbara" the movie.
I found a bit torrent for it and watched it a while ago, and is it is as good as it looks? Do Japanese bikini cowgirls killing zombies make for a good movie? Well, yes.

This film mixes Japanese monster movie camp, samurai movie fantasy, and sexploitation flick lustiness quite well. You have to keep a verry open mind when it comes to zombie movies, but I don't want to tell you how to watch them. If you don't know, you might never.

If you think that the idea of a bikini clad samurai cowgirl hunting zombies with a schoolgirl sister and another woman who has a shotgun with unlimited rounds and supernatural aim, then watch as they work their way to the top of the foodchain to take out the mad scientist who made this mess. Then gape at the irony of the realization that they were greater enemies to each other than a world full of zombies ever could be.
Well, most of the zombies were pretty lame, but that's not what they were really concentrating on obviously.
this looks like the best movie ever--although, 'they live' was pretty damn good.
I remember "They Live"! I think I will netflix that.
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