Where I currently call home is right down the street from Las Vegas's oldest brewery, Big Dog's, and I've gone to their draft house a few time because it's pretty fantastic. Last night was the last game of the World Series, and the Giants were in it, and I'd only seen game one and four, so I went to Big Dog's where they have so many screens, you can look around and dig the people while watching the game. Turned out to be one of the best baseball games I'd seen in years, and what a place to watch it.
Vegas is weird when it comes to sports. Since the population is kind of made up of various diaspora, you'll find people loyal to their hometown sports teams everywhere you go. And Nevada doesn't have pro team, so it's different from anywhere I've ever been. For example, if you go to Chicago during baseball season, you're a Sox fan or a Cubs fan, that's it. Here, you can go into a bar and it'll be Giants fans sitting next to Royals fans.

Anyway, this brewery has ten or so beers they make there, and all of them are on point. In particular, I like their Dirty Dog IPA and their Tail Wagger Wheat is one of the better craft Hefeweizens I've had. In addition to that, they also have a huge selection of guest taps. This is a treat because I miss drinking some of the hard-to-get Goose Islands and Firestone Walkers.
The decor is kind of cowboyish with rustic wood. They just installed glass rinsers at every tap standard, and they have a few kinds of glasses, so their presentation is pretty right on. Video poker at every seat at the bar, and screens EVERYWHERE if you're into that, but also they have a low-light outdoor seating area that they've done up nicely enough you don't feel like you're sitting in a parking lot. The personnel are knowledgeable, and they're acceptably quick even when they're busy as hell.

Also, free Wifi, which I shouldn't even have to tell you about, but I hate it when a bar doesn't have free Wifi. In fact, I hate it when any place doesn't have it. How am I supposed to give you free advertisement without it? Ugh, Caesars properties all want to charge you for it, and I abhor them for that. Just another reason to go anywhere else. Anyway, you can go on Untapped and log all your Big Dog's beers here because it's FREE!
I wish they'd have a couple more vegetarian options on their menu. They probably figure they don't have to because most of their clientele seem perfectly cool eating sausages and burgers, but I'm kind of a regular now, and all I get are fries or hummus. I got their Boca burger once, and it was OK. A Greek salad could be cool. or just a discount on getting salads without the meat could be an idea. I don't know, it would be nice to be able to come for dinner there more often.
I ended up sitting next to a guy from Seattle who grew up in Nebraska who liked Kansas City. It was fun watching the game with him until his lady started saying he doesn't watch baseball and was putting him down. I hate rude people like that. But over all, it was a really cool way to watch the Giants win the World Series and have a few great beers. I ordered a flight of five, and the bartender gave me an extra sample of their Oktoberfest "just for fun." I love this place.
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