Thursday, February 9, 2012

Utah’s Mole Man Resurfaces

There’s another part of the mine.
An entirely new direction.

When I called that mountain evil,
when I said it was still alive,
I meant the part in which I murdered
the men--not the part
where coal still sits.

Making fun of the way I look, poets
will not help matters one bit
calling me Mole Man is hurtful.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Utah Mole Man

Utah Mole Man

The man from the federal derpartment
of mine safety spoke to cameras for nine 9 days
regarding the nine 9 men hidden beneath
crumbling mounds of coal.

The nine men were dead.
The nine men were dead.
The nine men were dead.

Mr. Mole did it.
Mr. Mole murdered all nine men.

He came out of the mountain
and told the cameras
the mountain is still alive.

Seizmic activity shows how
the mountain is still alive.
Tectonic movement is not an issue
here, Mr. Mole.
The mountain moves because it is uncomfortable.

If you’re deep enough. It’s uncomfortable.
When it starts to hurt, tremble.
Mr. Mole wears a tie.
Mr. Mole sent more men to stab at her.

All three died.
All three died.
All three died.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

It's very hard work running a restaurant; the Darjeeling Café is no different from others in that respect.
We pay more than anyone else in town, we are offering health insurance, we try to make this place a family with its people. Unfortunately, none of that is enough. And now that we've been so good to people, the people we've hired have become lazy and then withered. It's been a chore trying to get spoiled workers to do their jobs. So big changes have taken place, and it's been painful and hurtful, but I'm really excited about the next step.

Many restaurants have had huge change-ups in their first six months. It's funny that we have been in business for four years but feel like we are starting all over again here. At this point, we just want to work with people who want to work and don't complain all the time about working. If you don't like this business, why are you in it? If you don't want to be a chef, why are you bothering? It's a tough job. If you can't handle it, don't bother working in this industry. I'm on my feet something like 70 hours a week. Sometimes 80. It's hard work. Cry-babies need not apply.

I've run a restaurant for a while now. We just got rid of a lot of dead wood. It's depressing, but I can't wait to work with grown-ups again. We are interviewing like crazy.