Wednesday, January 28, 2009


This week, MBH and I decided to go on a money fast. A money fast is what happens when you refuse to spend any money at all for a predetermined amount of time. I've never heard of anyone else doing it, but I got the idea from Buy Nothing Day, which I usually celebrate. This is only the second day of our week-long fast, and I accidentally broke it last night when I was stranded at a bar and ordered a Tanqueray and Tonic, my signature cocktail. But it isn't a contest, it's a trial, and one misstep is not the end of the world.

I think that next week, in order to pay a penance for my transgression, I will not drink coffee or alcohol.

See, the economy's hurting everyone, and we can't afford to just keep on buying stuff. We can't buy our way out of our problems, can we? Of course not! Can we save our way out? Probably not. It's always a good idea to save money, though.

I have been writing more poetry lately. It's hard to get time to do it since I've been pimping English and Shakespeare with and ASC. I am extremely lucky to have two jobs that I enjoy. I was hoping to write less poetry for a while anyway. My work is looking different these days. I'd like to say more "musical," but I hate it when people say that.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Partying with asthma

Went to a gay man's birthday party and had an asthma attack from all
the fragranced candles. Came home for albuterol and Papio.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

End of World Animals

Jerome bought my series of paintings called "End of World Animals" last year. They are acrylic on cardboard. He hung them up and took a picture of three of them. There are five altogether. Four are red and one is green. There's a crow, a bear, a rabbit, a squirrel, and a deer. I like the way my artwork looks on other people's walls.

A lot of people have been calling me legend lately. At first I kind of liked that. I am a legend in my own mind. Do you have to be dead to be a legend?

Jack Morgan = LEGEND ?

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Lion, the Witch, and the Shakes

Lately, I have been trying to get back into a routine. It's hard to find one when you change your whole life around. I have a new S.O., a new city, new jobs, and a new house. That's right. . . a new house!

Actually it's an old house. An old lady died, and we got a great deal. Only the dog sees ghosts, so it's ok.

Since I've been here, I have introduced a lot of people to Tao Lin and Amanda Nadelberg. I like them both, and everyone else likes them, too. People around here are very artistically minded and musical. There are so many theater-type things around here that I can't keep up, and live music is all over the place, but they don't know much about the contemporary poetry scene.

I put all the poetry books I have, most of them, at the Darjeeling cafe, which is in an old schoolhouse. I'm calling it the poetry library of Virginia. People come by and look at it all the time. A couple books have gone missing even. But the mission is to expose people to the fact that people are writing incredible poetry today that tears down their expectations. If a couple books go MIA, that's all right.

After about two weeks of being here, I found a guy named Jamba Dunn and his wife Erin. They are very cool people. He's has an MFA from Naropa, and she is a painter. Both went to Berkeley.

Jamba and Erin invited MBH and me to their house for dinner. They made an incredible vegan meal. Their house gave me house envy, but they pay a lot more than we do for their house. They have a nice porch and nice wood door frames and more stuff than we do. Dante, the guy who restored the house, was there. He lives in Baltimore. He went to Berkeley. We talked about The Wire. MBH was the only person in the room without a college degree--the only one who didn't go to Berkeley.

The next day she met with college profs and admins to take the 3(!) classes she needs to finish. She'll have a degree before EOY.

I keep meeting people here that went to Berkeley. It's weird.

The American Shakespeare Center is treating me well. I like the job, and I feel like I'm contributing a lot. That's good.

Recently, a dude named Casey came into the Darjeeling Cafe and said he wants to have a monologue slam there. MBH and I were like, wtf, we've been talking about that. It will happen soon, and it will be awesome. Casey is from Austin. He has hosted slams before. I am not a big slam person, but I am a big poetry person, so that's good.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Recycling milk crates

It's cold. So we're using lots of candles. Here's how I decided to
recycle a milk jug. Holds heat well. Looks pretty at the cafe.