The geniuses at ForGodot.com google-bombed the poetic community yesterday. They posted a list of anyone in poetry they thought was important enough to include, which was almost everyone who has ever written a poem. "Geniuses" in that first sentence should not be read with any tinge of sarcasm. I laughed pretty hard and spent too much time on their blog/site/artistic showcase.
I never liked Christopher Cox. I lived in his district for a while, and I wrote him probably a dozen emails when he and the FCC were trying to sell the internet to Disney. He probably deserved firing way back then, but I don't know if he needed firing this time. Does firing the SEC guy help me get health care? I sure would like some health care. This is the first time I have ever been without health care, and I wonder if I should even bother. Surely, I will. I have not had to worry about health care. In Europe, you kind of just have it, and since I have been in the United States, I have been taken care of by the university. If I trip and fall and crack my crown, like off of a hill or something, I will be left for dead by doctors. I mostly hate doctors because they are even scummier than most lawyers. At least lawyers don't get all self-righteous about fleecing you. A doctor is a glorified mechanic of the biological machine. I trust the ex-con at Jiffy-lube more than I trust the average physician.
I trust Milani Rose more than I trust the average physician standing in the way of 45 million Americans and and the right to medicine if they are sick. I found out about her by googling something with "sexy" and "poetry" in the search line. Milani Rose is curvy. She wants us to vote for her because "from my poetry to my sexy pics." Her favorite color is "Rainbow." I hope that everyone who hated me for posting pictures of lingerie models who were "too skinny" or "too close to the ideal of beauty perpetrated by misogynistic piggish men" and Suze Stein will stop hating me now. Suze Stein did not make the ForGodot.com list. Neither did Milani Rose. I think that Milani Rose's poetry is better than Suze Stein's.
I guess someone forgot that John McCain isn't allowed to fire the SEC Chairman!
No need to even download it when you can watch it right now….
or download the full package!
Milani Rose Sextape
Milani Rose
King Magazine Web Girl Of The Year 2008
Budweiser Spokes Model
The Truth... Milani Rose (real name Rosalyn Weeks), is actually a NY prostitute.
Files Included:
-UNCUT Sex Video/Audio of Milani Rose
-Audio of her identifying herself, her website (sexymilani.com), her height, adult movies she has been in, and more!
-A recent interview where she denied being a prostitute (So, we had to go deep deep deep undercover and pay some lucky bastard to call her, arrange a date, and then ***** her..... all for the dollar!)
-Other video/photoshoot/etc. so that you can compare for authenticity.
Whats next?
The actual sex tape is over an hour long, but for now we give you Milani Rose in 12 minutes of uncut... money, names, sucking, ***** and more sucking! Shortly, we will release the full video with a twisted climax that you wouldn't believe... unless you see it yourself!
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