I think of my life as a work of art.
I think it is important to keep living like this.
When I die, I want people to say that I had an interesting and exciting life.
I would rather be ash than dust.
Last night my team, "Come On, EZRA, Pound Me in the WASTELAND!" won the quiz at Ben and Nick's. Ryan, Jeff, Jeanine, and Jack Morgan were very proud, victorious, but never sacrificed magnanimity. The team who had the lowest score, a team of only two, had been clairvoyant enough to name their team "Coming in Last." We gave them our free pitcher in a gesture of unparalleled generosity, making Angelina Jolie look like a green-washer or something.
Ben and Nick's has a really good Portabello sandwich that can come vegan. Tasty pub grub for yours truly. It's rare that pubs care enough about little vegans like me.
I got called back for Faustus. I'll be reading some lines tonight. I am looking forward to taking the stage again. It gives me a break from doing poetry readings. I still look forward to poetry readings, but I need a break, I think, from reading at them. I feel like my work is suffering under the pressure of performance.
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