I wanted to buy a book from Mobile Libris because I think they are extremely wonderful, but I already have Lasky's book.
I had to go to the reading alone because Connie Coady is very sick. We had one good day together and then she got pukey. But, luckily, I have new poetry friends in New York, and Justin Taylor was there. So we went for dinner and drinks afterward at a pub. He bugged out early, and I went to a bar called Dempseys, where I was greeted by an Irish bartender and encountered by a group of young German men, who asked me about roadtripping in America. I liked Dempsey's very much.
Most bartenders in New York like buying me drinks. The bartenders in New York seem to take their profession a bit more seriously. It's a trade, after all, so they should. New York bartenders are much better at their jobs than most Californian bartenders.
I'm a big, big fan of the long-haired Jack Morgan look.
I watched/listened to that kitchen reading that Dorothea Lasky did. Not sure if I liked it as much as I could have. It kind of frightened me with its..volume. Lovely woman, though.
The volume isn't for everyone, and it's a little crazy. . . but I swear it's so much better live.
I like Dorthea Lasky. I'm glad for having read those two poems. Glad-glad. Gladglad. Glad is a strange word to say in your head. I am now also glad for having discovered the strangeness of the word. Thank you.
Also, I'm still waiting for that link to the video of you reading. But I can wait until you go back home to the West Coast. Maybe.
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