So, I've been having an incredible time being Jack Morgan in Brooklyn.
I went to a reading in a loft in Brooklyn with Tao Lin, Mike Young, Justin Taylor, and a woman named Kendra whose last name I think started with a G, but I'm not sure. The loft belonged to a beautiful and charming little nymph of a woman named Coco Karol, who danced to Cocorosie songs when the readings were at an end and was a good reader and poet, I thought. Justin Taylor read, and I found out that he is also quite a brilliant reader.
Coco and Justin were the highlights, and there was only one person's work that I really didn't like. If you're going to write meta-fiction, do something interesting with it, please. Meta-fiction is not interesting just because it's meta. The form is actually, like all forms, boring if the only thing that you enjoy about it is your ability to point to it and say what it was, congratulating yourself for having labeled it appropriately.
The next night, we all went to a reading at Small Anchor Press, minus Tao unfortunately. The first reader was Mathias Svalina, who gave everyone little elephants and lizards before the reading began. He was awesome. He's the guy from Octopus Books, and I was hoping to love his poetry as much as I love the books he puts out, and I did. Small Anchor Press was promoting two of their newest chapbooks, one by Lonely Christopher and another by Joshua Cohen. Lonely Christopher's work was pretty juvenile in its form and content, and seemed to be purposely wasting my time, which was not appreciated. Joshua Cohen's book is extremely interesting, and his writing ability is enviable; I can't wait for a second look.
Last night, I got to see one of my best friends on the planet, Connie Coady, from whose flat I now blog. We went on an adventure with her father, but that's a Manhattan story.
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