People look pastey in winter. I love winter nonetheless, as long as it knows when to come and go.
David Larsen just decided it was time for him to go. He bowed out of New Yipes, which I find quite sad. I like David Larsen very much, his work and his person inspire. I will miss him.
New Yipes comes again next Sunday, and I am sure he'll be surrounded by teary-eyed peeps. The salt from their tears will dehydrate their faces, making them even more pastey.
There's a lot going on at the end of winter in poetry. Jan 24 is the Sorry IV Snake reading at Pegasus. Feb 2, Mumolo and Morgan are putting on a new MAPP at a location TBA.
Mumolo took a picture of me with her iPhone. Sorry about the pastiness, but I am not much more than a patsy.
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